8. Create “Supplier” Sundry Creditor in Tally

कंपनी बनाई , जरुरी ledger master , item और units बनाने के बाद अब कंपनी चलाने के लिए माल या item खरीदेंगे जिसे बाद में बेचेंगे , तो जिनसे हम item खरीदते है उन्हें Supplier या accounts की भाषा में Sundry Creditors बोला जाता है.

Create Supplier or Sundry Creditor

Gateway of Tally > Create > Supplier Name ( British Computer and Services) > Under (Sundry Creditors) >Maintain Bill y Bill(Yes) > Address ( Type Address) >More Details (For Contact No and Email) > Registration Type( Regular) > GSTIN/UNI (23ADAPT0590KAZI) > Enter ( Save Changes)

Gateway of Tally Click Create
Click Ledger
Ledger Creation Screen will Display
Type Party Name” British Computer and Service” , Under” Sundry Creditor”
Maintain Bill By Bill = Yes
Type Address , and Click ” More Details” for Typing Contact No and email-id
Click Contact details
Type Contact Person Name, Phone No, email-id
Registration Type ” Regular”
Type “GST No” of Supplier and press enter to Save Changes